A Q&A with a passionate cannabis nurse herbalist: Arleen Crider, founder of Indyglo Therapeutics

Arleen Crider is a proud Cannabis Nurse Herbalist and expert on cannabinoid therapeutics. She is a compassionate and motivated nurse with over 13 years hands-on experience in multiple areas of the healthcare industry. In true millennial form, and a talent for quickly mastering technology, Arleen has excelled in the specialty of Nursing Informatics. She has been an active member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association since 2016, before being elected regional director for the organization. Arleen has written medical curriculum for the Cleveland School of Cannabis. She also instructs classes on the Endocannabinoid System, Patient Navigation, and Dispensary Operations to future caregivers entering the medical cannabis industry. Discussing interactions between doctors, patients, nurses and caregivers, Arleen teaches individuals how to safely incorporate cannabis into their lifestyle.

Arleen will be among speakers at the Ohio Cannabis Health & Business Summit conference at the IX Center in Cleveland, June 20-21.

The best part of my job  – I love making sure patients have safe and effective access to gentle plant-based alternatives. Working in this space, as a a woman and nurse, has helped me to grow professionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

I also absolutely love the fact that I’ve been able to inspire future leaders,  build a business, and achieve autonomy as a nurse, but more specifically, as a LPN (licenced practical nurse). 

What are two major pet peeves about the industry. 

It’s really difficult to celebrate the success of the cannabis industry while millions of black people remain in jail, prisoners of the war on drugs. While white women are the fastest growing group of business owners in the industry, black women are the fastest growing group being criminalized. This of course creates an imbalance in the industry, where black master growers, botanists, and potential business moguls are locked out of a culture and industry that they created. 

In regards to the medical space specifically… the lack of recognition for the importance of the role of the nurse, in any medical industry, but especially medical cannabis. I was shocked when I realized that elderly patients with complex and sometimes multiple disease processes who had turned to cannabis (sometimes as a last resort) for healing, would be  taught how to use it by bud tenders and pot enthusiasts at dispensaries. No shade to anyone working in this capacity, however, a nurse would be much better  suited to provide education to patients on dosage strategies, methods of administration, and possible adverse reactions.

When it comes to reinventing myself, I admit that’s it’s not for the faint of heart. Having the audacity is my secret sauce. The audacity to show up for myself and to be well dressed when I do. that’s important. There are those who would question my ability to work in nursing informatics, develop curriculum, educate other medical professionals, or practice independently because they expect to see someone with tons of degrees and letters behind my name. I love that I represent a disregarded and underestimated group of nurses.  I love the naysayers. Watching the stunned faces of those that may have had any doubt in my abilities and work is one of my favorite ways to relax, lol. Also books, baths, and documentaries are LIFE

I have my best ideas at night, in bed, when I should be sleeping (it’s currently 3:48 a.m.).  This is when I can be the true eccentric introvert that I am, in peace, and try to figure out the secrets of the universe. I keep a notebook or notes app nearby, because I literally can’t sleep until I get the idea out of my head and on paper. Insomnia has it’s perks.

I’m also really inspired on road trips, which I love. Magic happens on road trips at night!

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