Why Genius Pipe is in growth mode: Smoking discreetly and less harmfully is in demand

After coming up with the idea of creating a super smooth and clean way to smoke, Dyan Ferman, founder of Genius Pipe, spent nine years perfecting the product with his team. The Genius Pipe has been described as the smoothest pipe due to its unique ability to filter and cool smoke without water. The water-less filtration technology cools down and filters smoke allowing consumers to experience the original flavor and aroma of each strain. This line of high-tech portable smoking devices is aimed at a wide variety of consumers and can be used with flower or concentrates. The Highland Heights, Ohio-based company has 12 employees.

Cooler smoke means no burned lungs and throat, unpleasant experiences and coughing while smoking. Is that the main reason that you see your product being attractive to the medical marijuana market?
If you’re 76, you’re already going to be hesitant to try marijuana, and you’re not going to have any idea how to use a vaporizer and a bowl. Using products like paper joints make you cough, which does not make the experience feel medical. Because it does not use water, the Genius Pipe gives you all the cannabinoids, without the dangerous unhealthy effect.

What happens is when you smoke it’s hot by nature, if you don’t cool it down you’re going to feel It in your lungs and start coughing. We get letters from a lot of people who have weak lungs who were cut out of the medical marijuana experience until they heard about Genius Pipe. It’s really a medical device for a lot of people.

Who is your client? If you’re a smoker you’re our client. Anyone age 21 to 80, is our primary client. It’s a no bullshit device that revolves around your needs, from portability to how it’s stored, and you can clean it in less than a minute. Recreational users like the product because it’s discreet and you can take it to bars, concerts and events. If you’re a business person, you don’t want to smell marijuana and you want to be able to take it apart and put it in different bags.

Where can you purchase this product? It’s sold online at sites including Amazon and Walmart, or through Genius retailers such as smoke shops and dispensaries. Our pipes are sold throughout the U.S. and all over the world. Our biggest markets outside of the U.S. are Canada, Australia, and Europe

Where do you stand with Ohio’s medical marijuana market being non-combustion, allowing people to only partake marijuana through vaporizers (flower & oil),edibles, topicals and tinctures?

We’re actually in the process of getting a water-free dab rig approved through the state of Ohio.
What are you excited about in the next five years? Five years in this industry feels like an eternity. Our company is 5-years-old. I can tell you what we’re excited about happening this year though. We’re growing and we’re thinking about expanding our manufacturing operations in Cleveland, so I encourage manufacturers in areas like CNC stamping and routers to contact us. We also plan to open our first Genius retail store in Los Angeles this summer.

What is the Genius One? It’s a movement of artists, influencers, partners, stores, contributors and enthusiasts of Genius Pipe who work together to suggest custom designs, provide health advice, recommend Genius Pipe to others, and get rewarded for sharing their Genius experience.
In the last couple of years we’ve started collaborating with various companies to develop new products and a line of accessories including a backpack and an odor-deterrent spray. Having a great line of products is the secret to our growth. That’s why we work with brands in the industry that are 10 to 20-years-old. We want to work with companies that specialize in a particular field and offer quality materials. We call ourselves a transcending brand, and we do a lot of co-creating in order to offer the best of the best. Its the reason users trust us.

Anything else on your mind that you’d like to share? Yes. I want to talk about tobacco smokers who are addicted to nicotine. Some people tried vaping as an alternative. My argument is that using CBD in Genius pipes can be an alternative that helps people to get off tobacco. I’m included. I started using the Genius pipe with cannabis. Now with CBD, the experience with flower is more pleasurable with different tastes and strains. I feel that it’s a bigger goal for the company. It remains to be seen at this stage. We already started offering flower with the pipe two months ago. We’ll see if it will be an effective way to replace vaporizers in the fight of nicotine addiction.

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