Cannabis professionals look ahead to 2023, while expressing gratitude for developments in 2022

Happy New Year 2023

Challenges in the cannabis industry are numerous, but we’re encouraged by entrepreneurs coming up with new creations and business services in this fast-growing industry.

Now that we’re looking forward to more positive changes in 2023, it’s good to reflect on some exciting developments in 2022.  From President Biden’s actions of pardoning all federal cannabis possession charges and calling on governors to do their part, to seeing more efforts to educate both cannabis professionals and the general public nationwide, developments are important. 

Already, nearly 40 states have legalized medical marijuana. But after voters in several states approved recreational marijuana in 2022, we’re heading into the new year with nearly half of U.S. states having full legalization. 

It’s not often that a new industry is created. That means there’s opportunities ranging from plant-touching jobs to most that don’t involve touching the plant at all. Opportunities are expected to continue to expand in all areas of the industry, ranging from human resources, to sales and marketing, chemists and growers, educators and hospitality specialists. It’s an industry that faces seriously unique challenges and hurdles, but we’re happy to play a role in it in the education and events space.

That’s why we checked in with some cannabis experts, entrepreneurs and professionals to ask what they’re grateful for in 2022 and to weigh in with their hopes and predictions for their part of the industry in the next year.


Lisa Altschuler Liberman, president & CEO, of and Live the Highgarden.Life. She’s a former banking & tech executive who now links cannabis enthusiasts with friendly lodging, meals, events, and classes.

“Looking back at 2022, I am grateful to have observed the acceleration of cannabis and hospitality concepts this year. While many growers, retailers, and others have experienced contraction as a result of supply, demand, and price corrections on the plant itself, cannabis-focused hospitality is emerging from its infancy as a sub-industry. This year has brought us consumption lounges in far-reaching locations from California to Nevada to Michigan and Illinois. Startups like,, and broadened their platforms for finding friendly lodging and experiences. My company,, began preselling upscale vacation homes in adult-use states in the Northeast and Midwest that are designed for the needs of cannabis enthusiasts. I feel grateful to be involved in playing a role in growing this sector to new heights.

Predictions/hopes for 2023

“I predict that more events, lodging, and consumption lounges will open in 2023 all over the country. I hope to see recently legalized states embrace cannabis hospitality as a revenue generator for their communities. For every dollar spent at a dispensary, visitors will inject even more money into local economies when they buy food, lodging, and other vacation activities. I feel excited about the future for small businesses and municipalities that can tap into yet-to-be-seen opportunities with cannabis hospitality – opportunities that reach far beyond the existing ‘green’ economy.”

Veronica Castillo, is an editor, and writer who focuses on cannabis, hemp, psychedelics, veganism, plant medicine, and travel. 


Veronica Castillo, is an editor and writer: Her focus – cannabis, hemp, psychedelics, veganism, plant medicine and travel. 

The challenges of marketing in cannabis will remain so long as legalization remains at bay. The cannabis industry doesn’t have the freedom to advertise and promote like other industries; Heck even a social media post talking about cannabis can get an account deleted. 

I’m grateful for the ability to use my pen to help promote black/brown/woman owned in cannabis via article features and placements. I’m grateful to my sponsors who support my efforts and I hope to continue stomping this pavement so that I may continue to promote black/brown/woman owned in cannabis. 

Predictions/hopes for 2023

In 2023, legalization will still be at bay so marketing and advertising in cannabis will still present challenges. Business owners will need to continue to think outside the box and/or hire professionals – like writers. 

Brendon Robinson, is a businessman and educator with 15 years of business banking & retail leadership experience.


Brendon Robinson, is a businessman and educator with 15 years of business banking & retail leadership experience. He’s also a serial entrepreneur who is the president and co-founder of the Minority Cannabis Academy in Jersey City, N.J.  The nonprofit educational institution, MCA, and My First Plant, powered by Cannabis Hub, a subsidiary of the Cleveland School of Cannabis, recently teamed up to create the “Seed at the Table Initiative,” a new home cultivation program.

Grateful in 2022 – I’m grateful for the opportunity to help and educate my people in an industry that has held such a dark cloud over us for so long. We motivated folks in our community. We gave them opportunities, jobs and most importantly we were able to bridge the gap between the local community and the large operators.

Predictions/Hopes for 2023

Collaboration is king in 2023. I think we’ll see more large corporations entering the cannabis space and they’ll be looking for grassroot organizations that are making a meaningful impact in the industry. Cannabis will be a part of everyday life in New Jersey, and 2023 will be a transition year into that new reality…which is very exciting!

Andrew Tilmann, is a chemical engineer and a marijuana enthusiast with more than five years of professional experience managing large capital engineering projects, startups, and operations.


Andrew Tilmann, is a chemical engineer and a marijuana enthusiast with more than five years of professional experience managing large capital engineering projects, startups, and operations. Andrew is the lab director at Innovative Healing Solutions, a stand-alone medical marijuana processor in Ohio, where he led the grassroots startup of the company in 2020.

Grateful in 2022 – Having been involved with marijuana from a young age, I am very grateful to be a part of an amazing team and community of people that are building the foundation of the medical marijuana program in Ohio.  There is a strong culture within the licensed operators that is incredibly patient-focused and commerce-building.  Developing a healthy, safe, and efficient marketplace for a holistic nutraceutical plant medicine takes time if done properly.  Ohio is well on its way to being a flagship state for medical and adult-use marijuana.  I am so thankful to be alongside so many incredible people who mutually share a similar vision of freedom, equality of choice, and natural plant medicine for our society.

Predictions/Hopes for 2023

I hope and imagine that the marijuana market will continue to grow and expand into 2023.  The overall accessibly for patients to obtain medical marijuana will increase as 72 new dispensaries open up within the state.  A large hurdle for patients in years prior was the centralized hubs of dispensaries primarily located within large cities. This caused many patients to have to travel long distances to gain access to their medicine. The new dispensary locations are well distributed across Ohio, creating a more favorable and accessible medical marijuana market.  Patients will benefit in 2023 with reduced drive times and shorter lines at dispensaries.  

Our 2023 focus at IHS is to continuously innovate our operation. We will continue to increase product offerings for patients, perfect our quality of medicine, and work tirelessly on methods to reduce the overall cost of medicine. Quality and cost are king in the processing world.  The patients deserve just that. My team and I are excited and dedicated to helping push the marijuana market in the right direction in 2023.

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