Focusing on Education and Networking is Working for Sun Spot CBD Company

SunSpot is a two year-old San Francisco-based retail company that specializes in providing quality cannabinoid products. It’s a sister company of Sacred Sun, which was founded by Reggie Wise several years ago. Sacred Sun is a topicals company that primarily sells through dispensaries, online, at events, and at Sun Spot. In 2023, Wise is looking forward to launching Chef Munchies, an edibles manufacturer.

How did you get started with your CBD business? In 2020, we started the business online and opened a storefront almost a year to the start date in July 2021.

What are you looking forward to in 2023? 

We have some new innovations at the shop to help us better share information about compounds and products. We are looking into other locations and possibly franchising and licensing deals. We are launching a gourmet line of edibles that will be available in THC form later next year –  at least in California.

We’re growing and that’s exciting. We are going to be opening up a manufacturing facility in San Francisco for Chef Munchies, which is our new edibles brand that will contain both THC and CBD.

How important are collaborations for your business? 

We love working with folks and have done so for a while with yoga studios, massage therapists, aestheticians, bodybuilders, and even actors. 

Collaborations are very important because it allows you to be able to help people in different ways. It’s also an opportunity for small businesses to work together and help each other grow.

Collaborations can also support a community. For instance, we have a new relationship with Mission Yoga in San Francisco. After a yoga session, the yoga business owner allows us to come in and share our products. We answer questions about CBD and play a role in being part of participants’ wellness journeys.

But it all comes down to being in a community that reinvests in itself. You can learn about opportunities through networking, but it helps if you’re in a community that supports small businesses.

A perfect example is San Francisco. The city has grants that they give to area businesses, and we’ve been lucky enough to receive two.

What are some of the obstacles that you see in the CBD and cannabis industries?

One challenge is just trying to keep up with change and education, and dealing with restrictions on advertising is another one. But there are a lot of challenges in this industry, including people who sell bad products or give out incorrect information.

What do you do to differentiate yourself in a marketplace where CBD is everywhere?

We offer the most up-to-date information regarding compounds along with the best quality service, a variety of products, and trusted brands. The biggest thing for us right now is focusing on the other cannabinoids in addition to CBD, such as CBN which is used to help with getting better sleep.

What are some of the trends that will impact the CBD industry? 

There are over 100 compounds so we are just touching the surface, but as information gets out people are coming to us more informed than ever, and they’re looking for specific things to help with sleep, stress, or general health concerns.

At present, CBG is popular because it also boosts your immune system which is important right now 

There needs to be more education on cannabinoids and their overall benefits.

How has the OCHBS tradeshow impacted the growth of your business? 

San Francisco-based Sun Spot CBD retail store has supported OCHBS at the first two expos, and looks forward to the October 2023 event in Cleveland.

It was great to get out and meet new folks and others advancing in the industry. We are still working with connections from the first trade show in 2019. I think that because we’re a small company it allows us to be able to connect with a lot of legit people in an easy way. As you start to deal with a lot of people in the industry, you don’t know who’s legit. But people at OCHBS invest in themselves. They take their business seriously, and it’s cool to have a network with other vendors. You establish a network of vendors helping each other in the Ohio space. 

Reggie Wise, founder of Sun Spot, shared his passion for educating the public with PBS. Check out this very informative story.

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